Sunday, November 23, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

I made it! I promised I'd only officially unleash my blog on the world if I managed to upload 5 posts because I figure there's nothing worse than a blog with nothing on it. I haven't decided what this blog is going to be about yet, or in fancy speak, it's curatorial framework, but I think I will start with posting about things I want to keep somewhere but don't know where else to store and that other people may be interested in. And I'll see how it evolves.

So I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to comment or request a post.


eats said...

hey joon, since a lot of your blog posts have been about food, i thought you might be interested in this organisation i subscribed to today. it's called food connect ( - it's a not-for-profit organisation that works in collaboration with local farmers (within a 5 hour drive from Brisbane) to supply organic or eco-efficient fruit & veges. you subscribe for a weekly box and then pick it up from a local "city cousin" in your neighbourhood. i pick up my first box tomorrow. i'm so excited. i love the idea about getting farm fresh local produce, and stuff that's in season too (and without having to drive yourself!). if you're interested in knowing more about it, i'll keep you posted with my experience. xx ali

Unknown said...

Mmm... food and events - 2 of my favourite things - I'm sure I'm going to love this blog :)

Of course what I'll love most about this blog is the Joon-ness of it.

Yang said...

Congrats for taking the next step and releasing it to the world! Hope you have a blast doing it as I'm sure it'll show in that Joon way. Best of luck.